Last week we spent our first nights in a hotel with the girls. Phillip lead worship at Hannibal
La Grange College in Hannibal, MO. Matt played the drums and Ashley sang. They did lots of Kari
Jobe songs and it was amazing! His dad was preaching, (his mom came too!) we were all there hanging out, worshipping, swimming and shopping. As most of you know (or didn't, like me!) Tom Sawyer was from Hannibal, MO. They have his house
land marked and turned into a museum, and a white fence out front too. The whole town is crazy about Tom, so we got the girls' picture behind his board. It was a fun trip!
We got home on Friday afternoon and immediately Phillip ripped out our carpet in the main living area and hallway. Early Saturday morning we began having wood floors put in. It was so exciting...and LOUD! The girls and I hung out back in their bedroom most all day. I was SO ready for this day to be over. They finished at 8pm that night and Phillip and I cleaned till 11pm. I love the floors! Feels so clean and open now! On Sunday I cleaned some more and FINALLY I've put my house back together. Thanks to my mom. She came up on Tuesday and has been watching the girls for me so I could just do things around my house.
She also came up to help me fly to Dallas with two babies. We are flying with the girls to Dallas tomorrow. We will have Angie's baby shower on Saturday and then we'll stay that entire next week. I am so excited to get to go home for a while and see family, friends, and my sister's big belly! She and Al moved back to Dallas! Hip hip horray! We are so happy for them. Little Brenley will be here before we know it. (Nov.14th)
I am also going to try to attach a video of the girls playing and smiling. So cute.
Hope you all enjoy!
I'll try to post from Dallas if I can.
Love to all,
Our Tom Sawyer girls
Atley likes to prop herself up on her side
Avery playing in her crib

Our Wood Floors!

Here is the girl's video...pardon the banging in the background. This was the day our wood floors were being put in. :)