Friday, August 29, 2008

Sneak Peek

Well, here is a little sneak peek of Canon's room!

Ok, that is all you get for now! More to come next Wednesday after we get the curtains hung and frames on the wall.
Here are some random pics we have taken in the last couple of days.
Avery and Atley playing in the rocker
Avery kissing Nana
Atley with Nana's shorts on her head. She thought this was so funny to walk around with them on her head :)
Avery put on Nana's socks and shoes. She is always trying to put on everyone's shoes, and today she finally did it all by herself!
Here she is putting on the socks

As for me here is a quick update. I went to the doctor today and my cervix is shortening (2.2cm) but is still strong so my doctor wasn't too concerned. They also measured Canon and he is still measuring big, and weighs 4.7lbs! I am also measuring 36 weeks along, which is huge because I'm only 32! Here is a current picture we took on Thursday.

coming soon

okay okay! my mom is here and we are going to put up the curtains in Canon's room this week and also work on making a guest room in our basement. I'll have pics by next week.
Also, I'm going to the dr. today so more updates to come.
I promise!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

List of news

One of these days I'll be good at blogging again and take more pictures and write longer blogs. But for now here we go with a list of updates on our life and recent events.

1. First of all, I went to the doctor yesterday and my cervix has remained the same for 12 weeks now! Praise the Lord! Every week that it stays the same is a blessing now because I am getting further and further along and "out of the woods" so to say. I am 30 weeks and no bedrest and hoping to make it 6 more weeks! Things are looking great!

2. While I was gone to Dallas Phillip and some great friends painted Canon's room. It looks great and we are putting new details in it everyday. I will take pictures here in the next week or so. get ready!

3. The girls and I flew to Dallas with my parents on Aug.4th. We had a GREAT time and spent as much time by the pool as possible. It was my mom's birthday on 08-08-08, I had a dear friend get married on 08-09-08, and an engagement party for my brother on 08-10-08. For all of these events I got dressed up and actually didn't wear my infamous goucho pants I've become attached to. However....I took NO PICTURES!

4. I got to see one of my best friends, Betsy, who is pregnant and due 3 days before me. Betsy and I's other best friend Lauren is also pregnant right now and we are all having fun talking babies and pregnancy together.

5. I'm back in STL for a while. No plans or big events until Canon is born. I am just so excited to finally be able to organize a little and clean out the basement (which Phillip so WONDERFULLY cleaned as well as the garage the other day!!) I promise to take more pictures here in the next couple of weeks.

My dad (Pops) pushing Avery in the swing.

Aunt Angie and sweet 9 MONTH OLD Brenley! My sister is really great at taking pictures and did a good job capturing our 10 days together. She even took some really funny pictures of my last motoroized wheelchair ride (hurray!) at Costo. It was hilarious! Check it out here!

Me and Betsy and our prego bellies!

Before we left for Dallas we played outside with bubbles and our little swimming pool.

Atley is wearing pigtails! I just love it and she looks so much older!

Avery and her sweet tiny pony tail. Her hair is growing though!

My mom (Nana) and Atley in the pool. Atley LOVES the water and was wanting to really start swimming. She even put her face under the water multiple times and was good at keeping her hat and sunglasses on :)

Avery in her cool shades, hanging out by the pool, but not really wanting to get in it :) Sounds a little like her mommy....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

28 weeks and good news!

I went to the doctor yesterday and again my cervix remains stable. Praise the Lord! My doctor was pleased at my progress and said we would throw a party when I make it to 36 weeks. I told her all I wanted to do was go on a really long walk (shopping!) Canon was measuring big for 28 weeks, and so was I. We were both at about 30 weeks. He weighs 2.10 lbs and is still head down...yeah!
More great news....I get to go to Dallas on Monday. I was asked to be in my friend Jordan's wedding next week and then when I found out I was pregnant I stepped down. I had no idea how this pregnancy would go, but it turns out it was a good decision. I was just HOPING I would at least be able to GO to her wedding though. And it turns out I get to! I'm so excited to be there and see her. She is an OBGYN Resident at Baylor in Dallas and I call her all the time with pregnancy questions :)
My parents are coming up tonight for the weekend and my dad will play golf in the ZOE golf tournament on Monday. He plays every year, and we are always so glad to have them come up. I'll fly home with them on Monday night and be in Dallas until the 13th. I may try to blog some while I am there. We will be having an ENGAGEMENT PARTY for my brother!!! He got engaged 1 1/2 weeks ago to Amber (you might remember me posting about them visiting over July 4th) and we are so excited. I can't wait to get there and see the ring! I hear it's beautiful!

Phillip is so sweet and is painting Canon's room while me and the girls are gone. He is great at design and has a lot of experience painting (he painted the whole ZOE house and our house!) So I am excited to see it and post pictures when I get back.

I think that is all of my updates for now. Thank you all for praying for this pregnancy, your prayers are making a difference! We are more anxious than ever to meet this little guy and it really won't be too far away! (but hopefully further than sooner:)
