Well, here is a little sneak peek of Canon's room!

Ok, that is all you get for now! More to come next Wednesday after we get the curtains hung and frames on the wall.
Here are some random pics we have taken in the last couple of days.
Avery and Atley playing in the rocker
Avery kissing Nana
Atley with Nana's shorts on her head. She thought this was so funny to walk around with them on her head :)
Avery put on Nana's socks and shoes. She is always trying to put on everyone's shoes, and today she finally did it all by herself!
Here she is putting on the socks

As for me here is a quick update. I went to the doctor today and my cervix is shortening (2.2cm) but is still strong so my doctor wasn't too concerned. They also measured Canon and he is still measuring big, and weighs 4.7lbs! I am also measuring 36 weeks along, which is huge because I'm only 32! Here is a current picture we took on Thursday.

Here are some random pics we have taken in the last couple of days.
Avery and Atley playing in the rocker

As for me here is a quick update. I went to the doctor today and my cervix is shortening (2.2cm) but is still strong so my doctor wasn't too concerned. They also measured Canon and he is still measuring big, and weighs 4.7lbs! I am also measuring 36 weeks along, which is huge because I'm only 32! Here is a current picture we took on Thursday.