Each summer Phillip is gone for at least two different weeks on mission trips or youth camps. This year ZOE went to New Orleans for a World Changers mission trip in June. Last week they went to Daytona, Florida for Beach Camp with Student Life, and Loui Giglio and Chris Tomlin, and David Crowder. It was an amazing time and everyone has been raving about the trip since they've been back. Best of all, tons of kids were refueled to live for Christ daily, and 5 kids accepted Christ as their savior and Phillip got to baptize them in the ocean. I knew it would be a great trip and thought of literally EVERY possible option of how I could go too, but with these 3 under 3, I wasn't able to this year.
So, I planned and prepared a few things to get me by this past week.
Day 1, Sunday: Phillip got up and left at 7am. Megan (our college friend who is living with us this summer) and I were just pulling into the Church parking lot at 11am, and Canon threw up all over himself. On the way home he did it again, and 5 more times at home...needless to say we didn't go to church, or anywhere that day. So it seemed like a VERY long first day of Phillip being gone.
Poor Canon had to lay on the towel so he wouldn't throw up on the carpet (not that it matters since he threw up multiple times again yesterday all over that same carpet!). The girls have still never thrown up! Canon must have a very sensitive stomach!
Playing with their new Clippo table instead of being at Sunday school
They took a few mid morning baths last week. I put new toys in the tub and let them play for as long as they liked. Something to do!
Canon is back to all smiles. Standing up on his activity table.
We went to the park A LOT! It is a small park very close by so I can keep an eye on everyone. One day is had rained and was almost cold outside, so what did I do? I put them in rain boots and jeans....to go to the PARK! What was I thinking? Yay they finally get to wear their rain boots and cute jeans! Well, they could barely pull their legs up to climb and their feet were lugging around those clunky boots which kept falling off. I laughed at myself and thought, "live and learn".
Playing with a new doll house. The girls are also both very into babies. They were fighting over the baby that came with this doll house. We are learning to share, set the timer, and switch toys.
Movie night with Mommy! We did this twice. After Canon went to bed, we would make pallets on the floor, eat popcorn, and watch a movie! They did great and it was so fun.
Coloring and stickers
Library books
Avery really worked on her potty training skills. She has only had one accident in two weeks, at home that is. Still wearing diapers when we are out.
We started a reading program from the Library.
Played outside. They started out with clothes on...but wanted to get in the pool. Why put on swimsuits when you are in the back yard?
Canon is such a good baby. He plays with whatever toys we give him, and will stay content for up to an hour just playing and watching all that is going on around him.
Playdough outside (this was before the water)
We (ok, I) drew portraits of each of them and they got to color them and put stickers on them. I am not an artist, so they look a little scary, but it was fun. They are still hanging up and every day they add a little more to them.
Atley by Canon's picture. She really decorated his.
So, I planned and prepared a few things to get me by this past week.
Day 1, Sunday: Phillip got up and left at 7am. Megan (our college friend who is living with us this summer) and I were just pulling into the Church parking lot at 11am, and Canon threw up all over himself. On the way home he did it again, and 5 more times at home...needless to say we didn't go to church, or anywhere that day. So it seemed like a VERY long first day of Phillip being gone.

Some other things we did:
went on a walk
went to whole foods with megan
went to Gigi's 3 times
played at the Thoms house
played with Mr. Potato Head
played Starfall on the computer
stayed home most of the time
went to Starbucks too many times - its a drive through!
made MckMama's nut butter recipe - thanks Courtney!
made Date Muffins
I made Christmas ornaments and pumpkin t-shirts
We missed Phillip a ton!