Coming soon I will post pictures of our latest projects...but until then you'll have to wait.
We are still working :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A little Lasik
Last Thursday Phillip had Lasik surgery.
He's a new man! 20/20 vision, and no more glasses!
I thought I'd take a few pictures to document his new look...
Here he is about to go into surgery. I got to stand outside the room and watch through the window. The entire thing took 20 minutes, and the actual laser was only 5-6 seconds each eye! It was pretty icky when they had to clamp open his eye and they pulled off the flap over his pupil. Phillip did a great job, considering his Valium never kicked in...:)

During the day Phillip has to wear these super cool sunglasses (given to him by Clarkson Eyecare) anytime he is outside, even if it's cloudy.
He has to do this for two weeks.

Here he is tonight watching TV WITHOUT GLASSES! Yeah! He has been waiting for this for so long.

We got our light bulb in for the projector in the basement and now we can watch TV and movies down there again! We also cleaned up the basement, painted a little, and re-organized. I'll take more pictures when we get it all completed.
But for now, we are enjoying having this space back!
(For those of you who don't know...our light bulb burned out in our projector. It costs $400 to fix so we had to wait. A couple of months later, a sweet couple sent us a surprise "blessing" in the form of a check, and a few weeks later...we had our light bulb. Thank you sweet know who you are!)

Thursday, January 17, 2008
One Year Ago Yesterday
Yesterday was January 16th, 2008. Last year on January 16th we took Atley and Avery home from the hospital!
What an amazing journey we've had.
I remember being so overjoyed that I finally got to bring my babies home. It seems like a very fast year, and I can't imagine what it will be like a year from now. 2 year olds!
Here are some pictures of our journey home and first pictures at home. Then I'll add some pictures of what life is like now :)
Thank you for all of your prayers along the way!
Here is Atley in her "going home" outfit

actually they had to wheel each of us out, while we were holding the carrier on our laps.
Nice ride:)
Look how little they are in there!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Happy Birthday...again!
Happy Birthday...again!
We celebrated yesterday with Phillip's family and we had a great time. Look at their super cute rocking chairs Grammi made them! They each have their own table that matches, and got a tea set to go with it.
Happy Birthday to you!
Yes, they each got a little ice cream...and loved it!
We got new carseats! I bought these a few months back and we put them in last week. We were possibly more excited than the girls because there is much more room to get them in and out now...and they can see us. It is very fun. And now they actually fit in them with their winter coats on.
Avery wearing her daddy's hat
Atley wearing it also....this view was too cute not to post.
Since the girls have been playing with each other a little before they go down for their naps, they end up falling asleep in funny positions. Here is Atley with her head on the bumper pad, facing Avery's crib...asleep. EVERY DAY, it is a funny, new position. I laugh each time I go in there.

We celebrated yesterday with Phillip's family and we had a great time. Look at their super cute rocking chairs Grammi made them! They each have their own table that matches, and got a tea set to go with it.

Yes, they each got a little ice cream...and loved it!

Thursday, January 3, 2008
more new shoes

We picked these out in Dallas and had them shipped to our house. We are so excited to have another new pair of shoes. We really needed shoes :)
Thanks Nana and Pops!
I just thought I'd share a few things the girls are doing.
They play so much in their cribs now. When they aren't tired for a nap, they just play until they fall asleep! (How perfect for me!) Then I go check on them because they are usually both in some crazy positions, like sitting up asleep:)
They like to share their paci's with each other. When I go in to check on them, their paci's are on the floor between their cribs, like they were trying to pass them to each other. It is fun to see them playing together more every day. I remember when I would dream about this happening, and now it's here! They both put things in their mouth ALL the time. And it is no longer just toys. (Avery....)
I had told my mom and sister that I love Christmas so much I was going to leave my decorations up until Jan.14 But once I got home and saw how dusty and cluttered my house felt...I went to work. Yesterday I got all of Christmas put up. I left out the snowmen because we actually have a REAL winter here (it was 9 degrees yesterday!). My theme for this next year will be "simplicity". I had to really be careful what I put up because the girls are into so much now. I moved their play mat next to the bay window just to change things up. And this way they can get a little sunlight this winter:) I also moved more toys downstairs and we go down there more often to play now.

While I am writing, Avery is laughing as she grabs the computer and stands by my leg. And Atley is staring at herself in the fireplace glass. She is now standing up on the fireplace.
Just a glimpse into our life at 3:30pm.!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
First Birthday and Ruth Christmas
So much has happened since I last wrote. The girls had their first birthday and experienced their first Christmas. They received so many presents we had to bring a second bag home on the plane. We had a great time with my family and got to spend 10 whole days there. My sister's baby, Brenley, is getting bigger everyday and beginning to smile. Angie just made a blog too.
Here are some pictures from our trip:
Pops reading to both girls. They are really into reading right now, and love books.
Happy Birthday! They were about to open their presents.
Of course, Avery still loves the bows the best.
Birthday Cake! It was so good too....
Atley likes to turn sideways just in case we try to steal her cake. She wants it all for herself.
This was less than a minute after we gave her the cupcake. She went crazy...again!

Wow! Little One year olds! The day after their birthday it hit me that they were not little babies anymore. I feel like one day I wanted to have a baby, then the next day I woke up with Twin One Year Olds!!! On their birthday it was like they were bigger somehow, and a little more gown up. Maybe for the first time I actually saw them as One year olds instead of my little babies. Avery has started crawling up on all fours and she is into everything just like her sister. Atley likes to crawl everywhere and explore all the different rooms. Both girls like to be in the same place for the most part...which is nice for me right now. They are talking up a storm, in baby language. They woke me up this morning laughing in their cribs. They play together and switch toys between the cribs. They must also have a game of "who can throw the paci the farthest." Because when I go in there I never know where I'll find it. I just got 6 more because we are using them and losing them like crazy. Here is a picture of the girls and us when they were devouring their birthday cupcakes.
Christmas Morning eating a banana with Nana.
My brother Danny's girlfriend has a rabbit named Pancakes. The girls loved him.
Pops and his 3 granddaughters.
Avery on Christmas morning, getting excited about more presents!
Me and my niece Brenley.
Avery with her birthday balloons.
Betsy, Lauren and I with the girls.
Aunt Angie and her sweet baby moo moo , Brenley.
After we got home yesterday we received a package with 4 new pairs of shoes. Cute little black and white shoes and pink UGGS! (THANKS MIKEA!) Here are some pictures of their winter boots and cloth diapers:)

Here are some pictures from our trip:
Pops reading to both girls. They are really into reading right now, and love books.

Wow! Little One year olds! The day after their birthday it hit me that they were not little babies anymore. I feel like one day I wanted to have a baby, then the next day I woke up with Twin One Year Olds!!! On their birthday it was like they were bigger somehow, and a little more gown up. Maybe for the first time I actually saw them as One year olds instead of my little babies. Avery has started crawling up on all fours and she is into everything just like her sister. Atley likes to crawl everywhere and explore all the different rooms. Both girls like to be in the same place for the most part...which is nice for me right now. They are talking up a storm, in baby language. They woke me up this morning laughing in their cribs. They play together and switch toys between the cribs. They must also have a game of "who can throw the paci the farthest." Because when I go in there I never know where I'll find it. I just got 6 more because we are using them and losing them like crazy. Here is a picture of the girls and us when they were devouring their birthday cupcakes.

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